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    Morgan’s Journey

    Dear Friends and Family,   Some of you have been asking about Morgan.  On April 6th of 2023 Morgan was diagnosed with Niemann-Pick Disease Type C. Neimann-Pick Type C also known as NPC is a ultra-rare neurodegenerative autosomal disease in which Morgan inherited through both sides of our family. The disease is a malfunction in the cells of the brain, liver and spleen, in which cells fail metabolize fats and cholesterol in which they need to grow and reproduce more new cells These cells will eventually die off and accumulate causing damage to the cerebellum and liver and spleen.  Symptoms of this malfunction are numerous and include include balance and coordination…

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    A Little Taste of Independence

    This summer Morgan was able to escape to BYU Provo, for a little taste of college life at FSY and to live a whole week without numerous doctor visits and therapy appointments. Morgan was more than glad to get away to just be a kid again. They both agreed that this is something that they would love to repeat again in the future as service missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.