Thank you for coming to our web page! Let me tell you a little about our Story .....

We have started a gofundme project to help Morgan and her family with the mounting medical bills.  They would greatly appreciate your support.  Please donate now if you would like to help them.

On April 6 of 2023, we received  devastating news that. Our sweet Morgan was diagnosed with Niemann-Pick Disease type C.

NPC is an ultra rare and a neurological progressive disorder and there is currently no cure for the disease.
However this past year Morgan has been able to participate in medical studies to help treat some of her symptoms. Morgan is currently on a
medication called Miglustat in which she takes 6 times a day which is supposed to slow down the progression of the disease. Each pill we estimate cost $106 per pill. Fortunately, our insurances pick up a lot of that for now. In addition to expensive medication, we currently making preparations of what financial hardships that we will possibly face in the near future. Wheelchairs, adaptive equipment, therapies, medication and making memories for Morgan are just some of the expenses things that we anticipate that she will be needing in the near future.
To find out a way in which you can help, please feel free to look around our website to help our sweet Morgan.

Thank You!