
Natural History Study at NIH

We got a chance to participate in our first clinical study at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda Maryland. We arrived at the Children’s Inn where after a long day of traveling we were excited to find somewhere to rest and hang out for the next week.

The next day began bright and early with a consultation with Dr. Porter in which we discussed Morgan’s extensive health history in detail. The rest of the week Morgan participated in an array of tests these tests were long and lengthy lasting a whole week of continuous appointments from different professionals ranging from neuro psych testing, hearing and swallowing tests, blood work, consultations, gait testing, balance testing and a lumbar puncture just to name a few.

Although exhausted from all the poking and Morgan finished triumphantly and was able to squeeze in one more extra study to make a little extra cash on Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy which is a noninvasive approach that study’s study of brain oxygen utilization.

With one extra day before we had to get black on the plane we were able to do a little sight seeing. First we traveled the my old childhood homes and then we went to DC to see the Lincoln memorial, the Whitehouse and the National Zoo in which Morgan was so excited to see an Andean bear.

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