
Make-A-Wish in Florida

Morgan’s Make-A-Wish took place in Florida. Her wonderful wish granters gave her a 6 day stay at Give the Kids the World Village 3 Days at Disney World, 2 Days at Universal Studios and 1 day at Boggy Creek doing an airboat ride.

Our adventure began at 3 in the morning for our 6 am flight. Where we were greeted by some more wonderful people along the way.

The Give the Kids the World Village was our first stop, in which we immediately fell in love with all of the selfless volunteers that worked there in which made our stay amazing. We got our own little villa with endless activities and food. Morgan loved having root beer floats every day after breakfast.

The next few days were at Disney World where Morgan spent trying to fill up her autograph book and riding on endless rides.

One of her favorites was with Olaf in which she shared him one of her favorite jokes.

Q: What happens when Olaf throws a temper tantrum? A: He has a melt-down.

We really had know idea what a daredevil Morgan was until she started riding the rides at Disney. It was fun seeing her smile.

Hollywood Studios was another of Morgan’s favorites it was a place where Morgan got to meet some of her favorite Star Wars Characters and ride some pretty awesome rides.

Darth Vader trying to convince Morgan to come over to the Dark Side. She was pretty adamant about not joining. 🙂 Another fun Star Wars moment was being able to make a droid.

Universal Studios was pretty amazing. They organized personal Meet and greets with the characters and we had our own personal escorts that walked us to the front of the line for each ride that went on.

Another favorite of Morgan’s at Universal Studios was casting spells at Harry Potter World and riding Hagrid’s Motorcycle ride with her brother and dad.

Disney and Universal Studios was full of good food and fun memories.

The last part of our trip we were able to go on an airboat ride at Boggy Creek, which had many activities from panning for jewels, walking through a butterfly garden, feeding alligators, eating alligator and going on a airboat ride to look for alligators.

After one weeks worth continuous fun and endless activities, one exhausted Morgan was anxious to come home to be with her puppies. Thank You Make-A-Wish!

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